The term “call to action” is a bit of a buzzword in the web design/development industry and has been for a few years. Call to Action is a term that describes ways to get the user of your website to do something – an action – that is part of the purpose of your website.
Depending on your website, it can be a contact button where you’d like people to submit their name and email address for a special offer. Maybe your website is a service that you want people to sign up for. It could be that you have an e-commerce website where you want people to place an order. Or maybe you have a coupon or some sort of digital download that you’d like someone to get.
It’s a technique that’s still popular because it does work really well to draw your eye to the thing the business/web designer wants you to do or take action on.
It’s a good idea to:
- Figure out what you want people to do when they visit your website. Maybe top two things?
- Does your website make it clear how to complete those one or two things you defined in step 1? has a list of do’s and don’ts of call to action pages. Take a look at some of their suggestions and compare to your website to see how you’re doing.