How to Schedule a Post on a Facebook Page

Facebook recently added the ability to schedule a post to appear – so you can have something appear at a specific time without having to be at your computer or smartphone to post it.

For example, you might want to post an update of a promotion ending at 6pm without having to make sure you\’re there to post it. Or have a new product announcement go out at specific time.

Here\’s how.

Video Version

For those of you who prefer to see how it\’s done with a screencast, watch this:

Otherwise follow the screenshots and step by step below.

Step 1

Go to your Facebook page and start a status update:


Step 2

Click on the clock icon in the bottom left corner and + Add year will appear.


Step 3

Once you choose a year, + Add month will appear.


Step 4

You should get the idea here but just so I don\’t put all these fancy screenshots to waste, we\’l keep going.

Choose a month.


Step 5

Choose a day.


Step 6

Choose an hour.


Step 7

Choose a minute.


Step 8

Write your post if you haven\’t already.


Step 9

Once you click Schedule, details of your scheduled post will appear in a pop-up.


Step 10

When you click View Activity Log you can see a summary of scheduled posts that you have.



That\’s it. Your post is scheduled and you can go have a sip of coffee or your favourite beverage.

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