Why I Have Loopback in My Audio Toolkit

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Over the years, I’ve often been asked how or why I use Loopback, audio routing software from Rogue Amoeba, that allows you to make your own audio devices on the Mac, and I often think of Loopback as one of those tools in your toolbox that you might spend a little bit more money on, you don’t need it every day, every week, even every month sometimes, but it’s one of those tools that when you need it, it comes in very handy and it’s worth having around, even if it’s not something you’re grabbing for every day.

In this video tutorial, I demo how I use Loopback to make a virtual audio device so I could send audio from Notion to Riverside in order for other people on the podcast recording to hear it, as well as so it could be recorded alongside the conversation so editing the podcast was easier for me later.

Links Mentioned in the Video

  • Loopback – audio routing for macOS
  • Riverside – podcast recording studio on the web

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